The Experienced, Proven Riverside Lawyer You Need for Your Criminal Defense or Civil Rights Case

Fast-thinking attorney fights for California clients when they are at their most vulnerable

Since 2009, The Law Offices of Matthew Pappas in Riverside has been offering aggressive criminal defense representation and skilled counsel in civil rights cases to clients throughout California. I founded my law firm on the belief that everyone should have strong legal representation, no matter what they are dealing with. After all, prosecutors’ offices and insurance companies have excellent attorneys on staff, so why shouldn’t you have the same? If you have been charged with a crime or have experienced discrimination or a civil rights violation, you deserve an experienced advocate who will stand by your side.

Well-versed litigator asserts the rights of individuals facing tough odds

I have nearly three decades of experience fighting for the rights and interests of my clients. I represent clients throughout California in the following types of cases:

  • Criminal defense — Being charged with a drug crime, assault or a gun and weapons crime can seriously affect your life and cause a great deal of stress. As a criminal defense attorney, I will aggressively challenge the prosecution’s case and aim for a reduction or dismissal of your charges.
  • Expungements — I help those with eligible records pursue expungement so that they can move forward unencumbered by a criminal record that is visible to employers and other parties.
  • Criminal & civil property forfeiture — If your property was seized by federal or state authorities in connection with a crime, I will use my experience with civil and criminal property forfeiture to work towards getting your belonging(s) back.
  • Civil rights claims — If you believe you were the victim of police brutality or otherwise had your civil rights infringed upon, my firm will file suit to recoup the damages you’ve incurred as a result.
  • Discrimination — Workplace discrimination is something no one should have to tolerate. If you were wrongfully terminated, denied a promotion or treated unfairly because of your race, religion, gender or other protected trait, my law firm is here to help.

Regardless of the nature or scope of your legal matter, I have the experience, skill and determination to guide you toward a successful outcome.

Contact a skilled Riverside criminal defense and civil rights attorney for a free consultation

The Law Offices of Matthew Pappas in Riverside offers steadfast and aggressive criminal defense and civil rights representation to clients throughout California. Please call 714-576-8683 or contact me online to schedule a free initial consultation. 
